October 18, 2022
If you want prosperity and happiness in your life, then start giving it away to others. It may not seem like the right thing to do because we live in a dog-eat-dog world, and some believe that they must put themselves first and take from others for them to survive. But, there is something inside of all of us that is this little whisper that guides us to follow the righteous path. We all know that what we put out, we will receive. As a child growing up, I was always taught to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If you are the type of person who thinks the best possible thing about a situation, then that is what you will get. I was raised my entire life by an incredible mother and father who taught me to treat people with kindness, respect, and love. They never let me get away with treating anyone with disrespect, and if I ever did, I didn’t feel right about it.
The universe doesn’t care if we are kind, mean, or indifferent; it only serves to give us what we put out there.
If you focus on lack and scarcity, then that’s what you’re going to get. If you focus on abundance and prosperity, then that’s what you’re going to attract into your life. It’s all based on where your focus is at any given moment.
Here’s how it works: if there’s an area of your life where you feel stuck or unhappy or unfulfilled in some way, start thinking about what you would love to have to happen instead. Imagine yourself in a world where this area of your life is working precisely as you would like it to work. Imagine yourself feeling the emotion you would feel if this area was already perfect. Imagine a world where this area of your life is already perfect and complete. Now here’s the critical part: according to the law of attraction, if you think about these things long enough and hard enough, then the universe has no choice but to manifest what you’re thinking about into reality.
The Law of Attraction is the universe’s most essential and powerful law. Like attracts like. No matter who you are or where you are, if you can understand and master this one Universal Law, you will be empowered to attract whatever you want in your life.
Imagine that a radio station sends out its signal on a specific frequency to a wide area. If a person has a radio receiver tuned to that frequency, they will receive the signal. If, however, their receiver is tuned to a different frequency, they will not receive the password at all, or they may pick up some static and other noise. If they don’t have their radio turned on – regardless of what frequency, it’s tuned to – they won’t hear anything at all!
Is it possible to get what you want in life simply by asking for it? Can you attract things, people, events, and circumstances like a magnet that draws metal?
I want to suggest that the essential ingredient in success is not the ability to ask for what you want; it’s the willingness to say “no” to everything else. This, is the real secret: To get what you truly want, you must become who you truly are.
The first step toward becoming who you are is letting go of who you are not. You need to shed layers of self-definition based on others’ opinions of you. It would help if you gave up habits of thought that aren’t working for you anymore.
It would help if you released ideas about yourself that are holding you back from growth. Not only do these ideas no longer serve–they harm us by keeping us from our most significant potential for happiness and fulfillment.
The law of attraction may sound simple, but it’s not easy. It takes quite a bit of work to change your thinking from negative to positive. Many people don’t realize how negative their thinking has become until they try to change it. It’s not enough to say you want a red sports car. Instead, you need to visualize yourself driving a red sports car every day and believe that it will happen without any doubt in your mind whatsoever.
If you are trying to manifest something positive in your life by making sure that good things happen to others, then the good things will return to you as well. You reap what you sow, and we all must remember this. We cannot expect people to be friendly to us if we are not pleasant. This is an important rule in life, and yet many people forget this fact and wonder why they are not attracting good things in their lives. By focusing on what others can do for them, they lose sight of how they can help others first, and as a result, they lose focus on attracting their desires.
When I was starting my career in beauty marketing, I had a mentor who told me that if I made sure that I helped at least three people every single day with something, it would ensure that my life would be filled with joy, happiness, and abundance and they were right!
Reference link(s):
What is the law of attraction
Understanding the law of attraction
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