September 17, 2024
At times, it is a point in your life where you no longer can live in unhappiness, you want a change. It is about having a deep faith in something you cannot see but can knowingly feel. Spiritual Awakening is rising above the clouds of your physical self and all its limitations. It sees beyond the ego, beyond the false me-me-me, to LIFE that is unbounded by concepts such as “personality” and “I.” The idea of an afterlife, or even a universal oneness, is just a pale comparison to what spiritual awakening is; it is liberation from this world and everything in it. The world’s perception from centuries ago has been divided into two states of being: asleep and awake. Asleep is meaning that one is living in the flesh (physical) and ego, while awake is seeing beyond the veil, noticing there is more beyond the physical. It is no surprise; then, when it feels like your mind is caught in a whirlwind of emotions, intense urges, and opposing desires, nothing can make sense to you anymore.
Life will soon start to feel different, and you are on the brink of massive transformation and being reborn.
Beyond meditating, praying, and living a “spiritual” existence, how can we be sure that we have indeed been enlightened and felt an awakening?
When you first start going through this process, it can feel like your world is falling apart. If you’re not ready for it, it can make you feel crazy and like there’s something wrong with you. And if you don’t have anyone in your life who understands what’s happening, it can make you feel even more alone. Spiritual Awakening isn’t something that happens it is a gradual whisper from your inner voice keeping you on the righteous path.
Spiritual Awakening begins with a feeling of bliss and love (compassion) in your heart. It is a strong feeling of compassion, oneness, love, and joy. It is precisely what it sounds like Awakening or Enlightenment. The first time you feel this bliss, it will be extreme and powerful, you will feel it all through your body, not just in your heart. Once you feel this new emotion, you will want to continue to achieve more. You realize the deep gratitude of being alive and living with the fact that death is always around the corner, you live like life is a dream and you ‘awaken’ to the fact you have complete control and life does not have control over you. Once you get this awareness a beautiful new path begins and transformation into something powerful and new starts.
You have heard about this feeling many times before, but you have never experienced it yourself. And now that you have experienced it, it feels so good! You will want to share this feeling with everyone around you. It is beautiful to experience for yourself because there are no words to describe how wonderful and powerful this feeling is! Spiritual Awakening can be sudden or gradual, but in either case, this Awakening brings a profound change in your perception of reality. The old self-image that your ego creates and clings to begin to crumble away, and you discover that there is more to yourself than you ever realized before. You begin to know yourself as spirit, pure awareness, and consciousness rather than merely body and mind.
One piece is that you begin to see through the illusion that you are separate from everyone and everything else. The veil of separation drops away, along with the fear that arises from living with the false sense of being isolated and alone. You realize that you are part of the whole, that you relate to everyone and everything else in ways you had never imagined before. Spiritual Awakening is a process of overcoming the ego, it is a process of letting go of what we have been taught and conditioned to believe is “real.” It is a process of opening our hearts and minds to the truth and to radiate love.
Most people who go through a spiritual awakening do so in their own time, on their terms. But there are also some common signs and symptoms that many people experience when going through an awakening. For example, you may find yourself suddenly needing to let go of a lot of your old beliefs, people, material things, or relationships. You may notice that you’re more sensitive to foods and substances like alcohol or caffeine than you used to be. You may also feel like you want to spend more time alone than usual, meditating, or doing other spiritual practices such as yoga or tai chi. Or maybe you’ve started waking up at odd hours during the night for no apparent reason, having strange dreams, and even flashbacks to your childhood. You appreciate the beauty in nature, animals, and only want to serve others with love and compassion. These are all great signs signaling the beginning of transformation and realizing that heaven is right here on Earth.
Reference link(s):
10 signs of spiritual awakening
Spiritual Awakening
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